Receipe of the Week : Kani Wasabi Salad

Hi everyone, today my hubby prepared our breakfast, a healthy dish, a salad dish that is new to me, I do love vegetable salad. You will think that it is spicy or it wouldn’t taste good. As I eat I enjoyed that flavour, the taste and the combination of wasabi, it has a sweet, sour and wasabi taste but it not that too much spicy. Using wasabi in this recipe is a good choice. Try this at home and you will like and enjoy every bite. We have shared this salad dish to my Aunt Belen and she like it a lot than the other salad she tasted.

Here is the recipe for Kani Wasabi Salad.


1/2 iceberg lettuce

4 sticks kani (boiled crab meat)

wakame (softened seaweed)

1 small carrots (julienned)

1 medium cucumber (julienned)

tuna flakes

ebiko (shrimp roe)

sesame seeds


1 tsp soy sauce

1 tsp wasabi (Japanese horseradish) paste

3 tbsp rice wine vinegar

1 tbsp sugar

1/2 tsp sesame oil


Mix soy sauce and vinegar in a bowl. Add sugar and stir until sugar is dissolved. Add sesame oil and wasabi paste and whisk well. Cool the dressing in the fridge until ready to serve. Adjust the amount of wasabi and sugar, depending on your preference.
This recipe's amount seasons four small salads. Enjoy!

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