Britney Spears Voicemail Called for Help!


Britney Spears left a voicemail for her legal team asking for help. According to reports, the voicemail was left on January 21, 2009. The voicemail is related to her battle against the conservatorship over her set by her father, Jamie Spears.

The transcript of Britney Spears’ voicemail calling for help is below:

“Hi my name’sBritney Spears. I called you earlier. I’m calling again because I just wanted to make sure that during the process of eliminating the conservatorship that my father has threatened me several times, you know, he’ll take my children away.
I just want to be guaranteed that everything will be fine with the process of you guys taking care of everything–that things will stay the same as far as my custodial time. That’s it, bye.”

If you want to hear the voicemail, play the video below:

Anybody wanna save Britney Spears?!


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