A Happy Home is Better than a Clean House
I am quoting below an article in the Housekeeping Section of the May-June 2007 issue of the magazine, Moms Today. Don’t have much time for household chores? Try these snappy spruce-up strategies. by Regina G. Posadas Dirt and clutter notwithstanding, it isn’t that tricky to tidy up your house. Dine Racoma, a mother of seven who recently retired from an international organization and reinvented herself into a freelance writer, says you can combine housework with personal care or recreational activities. Living Room 1. Remove all non-living room items. 2. Return displaced objects such as pillows to their proper places. Do this before watching TV, while taking a break from viewing, or after a favorite show. 3. Dust tables, adornments, decors and all surfaces. 4. Vacuum or sweep floor. Bedroom 1. Rid bed and floor of clutter. 2. Refold clothes to be used again. Put dirty garments in the hamper. 3. Make the bed. 4. Sweep or vacuum floor. 5. Quickly wipe tabletops, headboards, mirrors and ot...