101 Things You Need To Know About Raw Food

101 Things You Need To Know About Raw Food

1. Raw fooders love to blog

Check out this list of over 200 raw food blogs
2. You must get a juicer.

This is an essential part of the raw kitchen. You can juice just about any soft fruits or vegetables. Certain foods such as wheatgrass need to be juiced in order to break down the fibre and cellulose, making digestion much easier.
3. You don't have to give up bread, cakes or cookies.

There are real 'raw' alternatives to many cooked foods. A dehydrator is a food processor which 'slow cooks' at a temperature of less than 120 F, the temperature at which 'living' enzymes in food are destroyed.
4. Raw fooders can increase mental awareness.

A study of over 500 raw volunteers concluded that people who have been on a raw foods diet for two years or more experienced significant improvements on many emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

5. Dining out doesn't always mean ordering the salad.

Increasingly restaurants are becoming accustomed to serving a 'raw' option on the menu. If in doubt call ahead to see if the chef is 'raw friendly'.
6. Raw honey can improve athletic performance and heal wounds.

The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of honey have been known for centuries - going way back to the Greeks and Romans. Honey is not considered a vegan product.
7. Enjoy guilt-free raw chocolate.cocoa_fruit_thumb.jpg

Chocoholics can get their fix with Cacao - the seeds of the Cacao plant. This is available in many health shops in the form of raw chocolate bars, cacao butter and cacao nibs that can be eaten on their own or used in recipes.
8. Many celebrities swear by a raw food diet.

Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson, Alicia Silverstone have all evangelised about the benefits of a raw food diet. In fact Woody Harrelson has his own website on alternative living, environmental issues and lots of information about raw food
9. Raw foods provide organic skin care.

Clear natural skin, reduction in in acne, organic raw foods provide hydration and essential nutrients.
10. Beware of raw foods toxins

Many toxic substances occur naturally in uncooked foods including potatoes, kidney beans and rhubarb. Here's a list of some raw food toxins
11.Don't believe everything you read about the raw food diet.
Beware of misinformation in the raw food world. It's good to have a balanced perspective. For the sceptics amongst you, here are some of the most common myths surrounding the raw food phenomenon.

12. Eating raw food can help you lose weight.
A raw food diet is an excellent way to lose weight . Cutting out meat, dairy, processed and cooked foods will inevitably lower your calorie intake but watch out for high fat foods such as avocados and nuts.

13. Always choose organic if possible.
Organic produce is more likely to contain higher levels of nutrients and less pesticide residues.

14. Raw food is not a religion.
There are many 'gurus' who claim that their dietary teachings will lead you to a path of enlightenment or elevated spirituality. Think of a raw food diet as a lifestyle choice not a dogmatic set of rules or moral principles.

15. You can lose weight rapidly with a Juice Feasting Diet.
This is a raw, mainly liquid diet, that can last up to 90 days. Benefits of a juice feast include weight loss, ultra detox and colon and intestine cleansing.

16. Organic, raw flax seed is high in Omega 3
The human body cannot produce Omega 3 fatty acids, which are an essential part of the human diet. Most commonly found in fish and eggs, a good raw food alternative are ground flax seeds , walnuts and pumpkin seeds.

17. You don't have to drop out of society to be a raw fooder.

Just as vegetarianism is now part of mainstream culture, joining the raw food movement doesn't necessarily mean dropping out of society.
18. Meat is not necessarily excluded from a raw food diet.

To vegan or vegetarian raw fooders, eating meat or fish is excluded, but there is evidence suggesting a raw vegan diet supplemented by small amounts of meat and/or fish gives you the optimum balance of nutritional requirements.
19. The ultimate fast food.
What could be quicker than a banana as your snack of choice. Check out some of these wuick and easy raw food recipes

20. Uncooked is not always best.

Some foods actually exhibit higher levels of nutrients when subjected to cooking. Conservative cooking such as steaming or boiling causes only modest loss of some nutrients, such as folate, while enhancing the bio-availability of others, such as carotenoids and lycopene.
21. Combine a raw food diet with regular exercise.

Just because you eat raw, it doesn't mean you will get super healthy automatically. A suitable exercise program is needed to enjoy all the benefits of a healthy diet.
22. Durian is a stinky raw superfood.durian_thumb.jpg

Originating from Malaysia, this smelly fruit has been described as smelling of 'rotten eggs', decaying fish and plenty of other unpleasant things. The taste however is reminiscent of custard and almonds. Weird!
23. A vegan diet can cause vitamin B12 deficiency.

Raw vegan diets can lack essential vitamins such as B12 and iron which are most commonly found in meat and dairy products. A B12 deficiency can cause a range of conditions including anaemia.
24. You don't have to be 100% raw to experience benefits.

A 100% raw food diet this is neither practical or even healthy for many. It is up to you to decide what proportion of raw foods you incorporate into your diet.
25. Raw food is not a fad.

The raw food phenomenon is not a fad. Just like vegetarianism, veganism, etc, the benefits of a raw food diet have been written about for centuries and will continue to provoke debate and scientific scrutiny.

26. Eating raw almonds can lower cholesterol

In a study by the University of Toronto , it found that eating 73g of raw almonds a day significantly lowered LDL or bad cholesterol by up to 12%.
27. Do yourself a meal plan.

Don't think you can jump straight in to a raw food diet. You will soon run out of ideas and risked getting bored by the lack of meal choices. Draft yourself a basic raw meal plan like this one can help keep you on track.
28. Start off gradually.

A raw food diet is not something you should jump straight into enthusiastically. Start off by introducing at least one raw meal a day and see how your energy levels are affected.
29.Need some raw food training?

If you want to improve your raw food credentials how about taking some training. Raw chefs in the UK and the US offer raw and living foods training , coaching, weekend workshops and certification.
30. Banish indigestion by eating raw food.

Raw foodists experience a marked improvement in digestion. Cooked foods can contain sticky fat compounds that are harder to break down in the gut.

31. Get into sprouting and grow your own live foods.

Sprouting is the practise of growing seeds for by soaking, draining , then rinsing at regular intervals until they germinate or sprout. Although slightly labour intensive, sprouts are highly dense in nutrients and a great way to grow your own food at home.
32. Shazzie is a UK raw food champion

A big fan of raw chocolate, she has been raw since 1999. Her store sells a variety of raw foods, educational materials and raw food paraphernalia.
How To Make Seed Milk
How To Make Seed Milk
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33. Raw vegan dairy alternatives to milk

If you don't eat milk or dairy, the raw food diet can offer many alternatives including hemp or nut milks and a variety of seed 'cheeses'
34. Exercise caution when feeding children or infants.

A 100% raw food diet is not for everyone. Infants have different nutritional requirement than adults and care must be taken to avoid vitamin deficiencies in vitamin B12, vitamin D and enough general calorific intake, although children have been raised on a raw food diet.
35. Raw food and ancient wisdom.
Pythagoras, the 6th century Greek philosopher was a strict vegetarian and according to his biographer, Diogenes 'he ate bread and honey in the daytime and boiled or raw vegetables in the evening'. He urged his students to do the same 'for from this diet they would derive health of body and acuteness of intellect.'

36. The Pottenger Cat Experiment
In 1932 Dr Francis Pottenger conducted a series of observations on over 900 cats over 10 years. They were fed either a cooked diet or a raw (meat/milk) diet.At the end of the experiment, Pottenger concluded that the ones on a raw diet were overall much healthier.
37. Discover a wealth of easy raw food recipes.

The range of raw food recipes available is breathtaking, from simple snacks to gourmet creations. A raw diet no longer has to be bland. Nuts and seeds can be sprouted to make 'cheeses', doughs can be made from buckwheat to form flatbreads. With modern kitchen appliances the only limit is your creativity.
38. The many varieties of diets
Veganism is well known, but how about being a fruitarian (mainly fruit and nuts), juicearian (liquids only -usually short term) or sproutarian (mainly sprouted foods). Anopsologists are instinctive raw eaters sometimes consuming raw meat.

Body Pollution on NBC News
Body Pollution on NBC News
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39. Reduce your chemical intake.
Pesticides, preservatives, flavourings, colourings . These chemicals are the by-products of mass food production and we have gradually and silently adopted them into our daily diets. In addition, cooking sometimes causes toxins such as acrylamide. Raw, organic produce helps to limit the potential long term effects these might have on us.

40. Individualize your food plan.
You are the only person who can understand how certain foods make your body feel and react. Whatever your motivation for trying a raw food diet, you must tailor your food plan to suit your individual needs. If you have to bend the rules every now this is much better than sacrificing your overall health.

41. Beware of 'bad science'
Some people will happily manipulate scientific facts to fit their version of the truth. It is up to you to sift through the 'pseudo' and the science to work out the bigger picture for themselves.

42. Get smooth.
Smoothies are a delicious, versatile way to experience raw food.

43. Detox with a raw food diet.
A raw food diet is a great way to detox your body.

44. Dried fruit and nuts are often not raw
Commercially dried fruit has often been heated to temperatures exceeding 150˚ F. Many so called 'sun-dried' products have similarly been oven baked. Try and eat nuts in their shells as heat is sometimes used in the de-shelling process, especially with cashews. Almonds, even those labelled 'raw' are have often been through a pasteurization process.

45. Whole grains are comparable to fruit and vegetable in their antioxidant activity.
Whole grains have been eaten by humans for thousands of years. Whilst not a substitute for fruit and vegetables, they provide comparable high anti-oxidant properties, prevent cardio - vascular disease and are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Preparing raw grains to eat can be as easy as soaking them in water for 20 minutes.

46. Try to find local raw produce.
In an ideal world we could all grow our own fruit and vegetables, but most people don't have the time, energy or motivation. The next best thing is buying local produce. Support your local shops and farmers. Consider the carbon journey of your exotic superfoods.

47. You may experience an unpleasant transition period when switching to a raw food diet .
It is quite common for people to experience nausea,diarrohea, headaches and other conditions when first starting a 100% raw food diet. These symptoms cans be lessened by increasing the percentage of cooked foods to start off with and by eating heavier foods like avocados, nuts or coconuts.

48. If you like Mediterranean food check out the Raw Greek.
Gina Panayi is a raw food chef who specialises in Greek, Cypriot and Mediterranean dishes.

49. You can lower your BMI with a raw food diet.
Long term raw fooders have been shown to exhibit a lower BMI (Body Mass Index) compared to the general population. This BBC report found that raw fooders were thin but generally healthy.

50. These raw food photos will make you drool.
Over at Flickr there are hundreds of photos for you to browse and see the visual treat of organic raw live food.

51. Some scientists believe we evolved to eat cooked foods.
There is still heated debate whether humans are naturally adapted to eat predominantly raw or cooked foods. One theory is that our brains evolved only after discovering fire and hence cooked food.
52. Pregnant women, the elderly and children should exercise caution on a raw food diet.
It’s wise idea to consult your doctor before beginning a special diet. This is especially true for children, pregnant women, the elderly, anyone with anemia, a compromised immune system or any pre-existing medical condition.
53. Try a raw vegan 'meat loaf'.
If you really crave a meaty experience try this meatloaf recipe made with with walnuts, pecan, carrots, red bell peppers, celery, onion, garlic and paprika.

54. The Raw Food Diet was highlighted in the TV series Sex and the City.
Many will have first heard of the raw food phenomenon through the HBO Series. In one episode the metropolitan girls visit a fictional New York restaurant called 'Raw' to experience the latest dining craze.

55. Raw foods are primarily alkaline based
Raw alkaline foods help balance the mainly acidic foods such as red meat, seafood, eggs, coffee, soft drinks and refined sugar.

56. 'Supercharge Me' - going raw for 30 days.
Following in the footsteps of Morgan Spurlock's Supersize Me, this film follows Jenna Norwood as she follows a strict raw food diet spurred on by a showgirls' costume.

57. Beware of raw food marketing scams.

Unscrupulous marketeers have taken advantage of raw food products by exaggerating their health properties and selling substandard products. This video on a Goji juice scam demonstrates why you must do your research when considering spending money on any new health or diet food.
58. Bruised or damaged fruit or vegetables may contain mould or harmful bacteria.
If you are consuming a mostly raw diet, be careful that what you eat is as fresh and undamaged as possible. Broken skin allows the entry of potentially harmful bacteria. Any signs of mould on your food should be a signal to throw it away.

59. You can make pizzas by using sprouted buckwheat and a dehydrator.
If you love pizzas but want to go raw, check out this pizza recipe

60. Barbecuing or deep frying can cause a build up of toxic acrylamide on your food.

Acrylamide is a toxic substance that is found on foods that have been baked, fried or processed at high temperatures . It has been found to cause cancer in animals and may cause to humans. Levels are particularly high in potato chips and french fries.

61. Spirulina, a blue green algae is a nutrient rich superfood

Taken as a food or a supplement, organic spirulina has some amazing properties and is often refered to as nature's perfect food.
62. There are hundreds of raw books available at Amazon.
There's no shortage of raw food books should you need a new recipe or raw food idea!
63. A raw food lifestyle can be very expensive.

Organic produce is at least 50% more expensive in most supermarkets and superfoods shipped across continents carry a premium price tag. Try shopping at markets or in bulk if possible from a wholesaler.
64. David Wolfe is one of the raw food movements leading spokepersons.
Creator of the Sunfood Diet Success System. Check out his website
65. Raw foodists on video .

People love sharing their raw food videos
66. Love pasta -how about delicious raw spaghetti.
Well, it's obviously not real pasta but with the aid of a Spiralizer you can turn zucchini, carrots or just about anything into a raw pasta substitute. Alternatively you can buy sea spaghetti made from organic kelp .
67. Fancy eating out - raw?
Here's a list of raw food restaurants in the United States and round the world. Also check out this list of places to eat raw in the US.
68. Raw food hygiene is very important
Cooking destroys many of the bacteria such as E Coli, which are potentially harmful to humans. So be extra careful and vigilant when eating strictly raw.
69. Donna Karan, the fashion designer lost 20 pounds by following a raw food diet.
The celebrated designer who dresses Hollywood stars was introduced to the raw food diet by chef Jill Pettijohn
70. Tune in to raw food radio .
This site contains radio interviews and testimonials with some of the leading figures in the raw movement
71. Raw food before and after photos
Want proof of the changes a raw food diet has made to some people. These before and after photos show the dramatic changes some people have made to their lives.
72. Organic foods reduce your intake of pesticide residue.
To find out which foods have the produce with highest levels of pesticide residues go here .
73. Vegan diets can be found to be lacking in calcium
so make sure you eat plenty of leafy green vegetables, carrots and oranges. If you are not strictly vegan, dairy products are one of the best sources of calcium. This BBC article suggests supplements on their own are not an adequate substitute.
74. Gourmet 'uncooking'
If you are planning a dinner party or just want to try something a bit more adventurous, check out the books and DVDs at this raw gourmet website.
75. Raw Ice Cream!
Yes you can enjoy real vegan raw food ice cream. Here are several raw ice cream recipes you can try.

76. Experience the caveman diet
The Paleolithic or Paleo diet is based on an inderstanding of the types of foods our caveman ancestors ate. There are many variations some advocating a completely raw food diet.
77. Raw food bars are a great alternative to chocolates or candy.
These pre-packaged raw snack bars come in many varieties, including Larabar , organic PureBar and many more.
78. For sugar cravings, try these raw foods instead:
Dried fruit/dates, very sweet fruits (mangoes), carrot juice, comb honey (use sparingly)

79. For salty cravings try:
Mineral rich seaweeds , tomatos, celery juice
80. For fatty food cravings try:
Avocados, coconut, soaked nuts, raw sesame tahini, raw dairy

81. For salty cravings try:
Mineral rich seaweeds , tomatos, celery juice
81. Online raw food communities and forums
If you want to talk to like minded raw foodies ,online there are several communities that you can join

82. Follow your senses with 'instinctive eating'
Also known as anopsology , 'instinctos' are guided by smell and taste to decide what they eat. The instinctive diet places restrictions on any processing of foods such as juicing, shredding etc. Interestingly, raw meat, fish and dairy are not excluded. Read more about instinctive eating .
83. Wheatgrass packs a heavy nutrient dense punch.
Wheatgrass - can be eaten raw in juice form or taken in powder format and when cultivated correctly can contain exceptionally high values of nutrients.
85. A raw food diet is not a quick fix.
Although it is possible to achieve fast results, going raw should be considered a lifestyle choice and not a quick fix solution to health or weight problems.

86. You can eat raw eggs safely - but follow strict safety guidelines
Raw egg yolks are highly nutritious containing many essential minerals and fatty acids. The consumption of raw eggs has had some bad press in recent years due to salmonella outbreaks etc. As always with raw foods, try to buy organic and eat them as fresh as possible. Here are some more tips about eating raw eggs

87. Raw fish has many health benefits.sushi_thumb.jpg
Most people associate raw fish with Japanese food, but it is also common in Sweden and other countries. Always go for the freshest, preferably sashimi grade fish.
88. You can buy many 'raw' garnishes and dressings
These include cold pressed oils, nut butters ,fermented foods such as miso, kimchee and saurkraut ,pure maple syrup ,raw soy sauce (nama shoyu) ,and vinegars. Check whether any heat treatment has been applied.
89. Eating raw food increases your energy levels.
There is much anecdotal evidence to suggest a raw food diet increase energy levels. The main theory put forward is that your body is spending less time (and energy) digesting food.
90. Sun tea, heated naturally
Tea afficionados claim the gentler heating process improves the flavour. Bacteria is a concern so make sure you use clean or sterilized containers and ideally bottled or filtered water.
91. Seaweed is a highly nutrient dense superfood.
Seaweed is a staple diet in the Japan and other parts of Asia. Sushi lovers will know seaweed as Nori, the green sheets used to wrap parcels of rice, fish and vegetables. An iron rich raw food , seaweed contains iodine and other trace minerals which are often lacking in soil grown foods.
92. You can immerse yourself in the raw food movement on the web.
RawFoods.Com is the largest online community dedicated to sharing information about the living and raw food vegetarian diet. You can find recipes, testimonials, an active forum and even personals ads!
93. Fermented raw foods, aid digestion.
Also known as the 'friendly' bacteria, these probiotics can be also found in yoghurt, miso, kefir and other fermented foods. Commercial food production requires heat treatment during pasteurization and this effectively kills the useful bacteria. You can get round this by making your own sauerkraut
94. Fermented yeast products such as alcohol are not recommended by many raw foodists.
Many raw food eaters refuse to consume alcohol containing fermented yeast as it is not considered a 'living' food. Organic wine however passes the raw test for many.
95. Tomatoes and carrots benefit in some ways from cooking.
Studies have shown that some plant chemicals containing disease-preventative properties are more easily absorbed by the body when cooked. These include lycopene found in tomatoes and carotenoids found in carrots.

96. Natural Hygiene

A health system created by Herbert Shelton that promoted uncooked vegetarian foods as a way to maintain good health. Often cited as an inspiration for the raw food movement
97. These volunteers gave up a modern diet in favour of a raw ape-like food diet.
In this experiment processed foods and saturated fats were substitued for up to 5kg of raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and honey.
98. Should you feed your pets a raw food diet?
Cats and dogs may be safely fed a raw food diet but care must be taken to provide the right balance of nutrients which resembles their diet in the wild.
99. It's possible to gain weight on a raw food diet.
Although a raw food diet contains more fibre, less calories, fats and carbohydrates than a cooked diet, try to avoid overeating fatty foods such as avocados, nuts and dairy products.
100. Raw dairy products include unpasteurised milk and raw cheeses.
Organic, raw dairy products contain many nutrients which are lacking in the pasteurised varieties. Try to find a local supplier on you area but beware of the added safety considerations.
101. Tryptophan, an amino acid which produces serotonin
Raw foods are great for your moods . Foods containing tryptophan include walnuts, figs, papaya, banana, strawberries, sweet cherries, mango, pineapple, grapefruit and hazelnuts.


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